wa how lomg nv blog le!! so busy n TIRED!! cos went for concert for both band n choir.. lyk alot ppl wanted the bang ticket bt nt the choir one.. den i tot how nice was the band.. okok la.. choir nicer lor!! those who missed the last part..WASTED AR!! their retro performance..wa kao! super nice,funny.. the girls pretty la..bt guys FUNNY! abra gt centre parting den perry hair so flat..ching jun bak comb,another guy got curl..hahas!!dam funny.. took lots of pictures!! wow! band dat day went to mac den zx sae wan treat me n qi supper.. den aft choir we all went lao ba sat.. eat eat eat.. 11 + liidat den go home.. SO FUN!! i wana haf lots of this type of performance in the future!! ESPECIALLY CHOIR! MAMA MIA~~
Sunday, February 24, 2008
the kaki bukit pics!!
PNST!! yay!
see the 'jumpers' ?
happy viewing!!
yesterday was too tired to blog.. i skipped flag day den go kaki bukit carnival.. begining lyk dun feel lyk playing de.. cos 1st two game lost.. bt 3rd game is the exciting one!! we played wif bartly den lyk all mumbai.. my GA lyk dam tall n everybody sae hale looya to me liao.. bt when centre pass datt tym i happy coas i graped her ball!! wow! i can jump dat high! den she smack my head.wadd the toooot! 2nd half of the game..wa best ar! i stole my GA's ball!!! she bounced den when i nearly reached her hand i steal! COOOOOL! nice game! n i played GD throughout the carnival!! nv tot datt netball nowadays can be so fun!! at least my day was not wasted!! we took many many funny NST photos!! so cute la! theres one me n muiei jump at the same time! dat one was a wow! maybe later will post the pictures out. stay tuned.
Friday, February 22, 2008
den at night watch movie till arund 10.. watch JUMPER..QUITE NICE EHH!! den the stupid perry lyk dunnoe laugh wadd laugh truout the whole movie..2 big tubs of popcorn left 0.5 tub.. everyone went VOOM! before we could actually watch the movie....... went to jp lyk fly go dere.. den zhaoxi says.. go je watch.. wadeva!! waste my rush!! bt at least got to watch la..lyk 7.40 start we 7.30 buy ticket.. theatre also not much ppl.. me one girl against 7 guys.. its me again..haiis VOOM!
today was a great day for me!! lucky i went!! went swiming wif muiei,jonathan,crankston,yong sheng & stephanie!! hahas i din noe crankston dunnoe how to swim me n muiei lyk busted him lyk hell la!! crankston the big bully dunnoe how to swim!! kaox! dat yong sheng seriously damn FUNNY.. the way he swim..OMG!! eu must see den u noe!! had so much lafing today!! this was part two lafing time.. part one... combine humanities lesson!! water fight between mas,peilong,chiang!! started wif mas who spray water at chiang butt den chair also gt water bt chiang din noe..den still sit till shuang shuang!! den he stand up den notice..laughed lyk hell!! lafing part1.2 peilong spray water at mas armbit den mas lyk wiping which looks lyk scratching his armpit which ms chu said..the class laugh like what!! OMG!!den mas was bu fu qi den spray bak peilong..his armpit dere was worst!! all wet! peilong spray bak..guess wad did he do.. squeeze water into mas pants den he dunnoe..still stand up n say 'i tot got water' den sit dwn stand again den realise his butt kena water..he take off his pants den e pe shorts also wet!!wa lao he so RETARD!! den stop le..as marcus butt was facing out in the sense pertroding out..mas aim at the ass hole dere..psss!! oops..like got menses..wa lao laugh until i wana die arhh!! what a good laughing day..or u might call it my day..
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
aiiya! i ytr forgot to say the modt important thing!! YULYA FINALLY GAVE ME MY SHUANG MIAN FEILUNHAI!! woaahh!! today like so sleepy!! ms yang lesson.. CUI MIAN wadd the.. he insulted me today!!!! but he sound cute >.< XD XD XD XD XD iamHAPPY!!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
today like okok la.. bt got the blackie's pe.. wa lao eh.. lyk 4 sets of 20 incline.. nv bend knee also say i bend!! den kena pump!! lyk he dunnoe how painful locking the kness are!! BLACK!! lyk dunnoe situation anyhow pump ppl.. cca worst! 2.4!!!! arrhhh!! nvm! worst thing is muiei convert me to GA den i cant shoot! wa!!sat carnival den got no shooter!! die ar!! COME ON!!SHOOT IT IN!!
Monday, February 18, 2008
ALL of the pictures here i've drawn out oredii!!look quite alike ehh!!so cute rite all of them!!<<-GUILONG!/XIATIAN!!my fav character!!cool rite!!YAY! WO SHI ROCKER!quoted from "xiatian
wa!! today common test ben lai very confident de after seeing the first qn de.. but hor..wa lao ehh..2nd n 3rd qn first part DUNNOE HOWTO DO AR!! how i wish i can pass my E math one day!!
another thing is that this sat got kaki bukit carnival leah!! den lyk quite excited lor!! but rite i scared got no formation den dunnoe each other wan wadd den loose the ball cant go 2nd round.. den also not allowed to train on fridays also.. lyk wadd the hell la.. so unprepared!! WAA!!CHIONG FOR SECOND ROUND!!
Sunday, February 17, 2008
it asked me to not be too desperate cos no one will like!! wa.. zen me ban..wadd shud i do...how long liao lyk about 5 months le.. arhhh!! can anyone help me?? NO!!!!!
laugh with all your mite.
Friday, February 15, 2008
pon sku today.. ye bu suan pon la. jus wana pon the physics test..hahas!! bt i tired cum flu cumseverecough.. lol..lyk 10 days liao.. hahas den i still eat cashew nuts, 'hei bi hiam', tapioca chips...!! purposely one.. today wana clear my homework first.. nope!! draw my x-family de characters first.. still gt xia xiong n xia mei..the difficult ones.. maybe i draw guifeng also.. den one more the whole team.. ok i write till here.
wahh!! class today so high!! i recieved loads of presents.. from LISHAN: ferrero which kind of resembles flower...erm ok la from MICHELLE: a piece of roast almond choc. wif hello kitty plastic bag. from CHEWYAN: a piece of hershey's cookies n cream choc. wif a card on it saying happy valentine day from SUETFANG: wao! a bigbagof tidbits (chezels,loli,choc.n m&m s)!! fromENQI: a bottle of RED BEANS!!! hahas!!dat was UNIQUE!! from MS YANG: an elephant choc.!! from SEEMUN: a packet of candy!! from CHARMAINE:a packet of gummy!! from MUIEI: a handmade rose!! from TIFFANY: a FLOATING KISS!! from YULYA: EXPECTED FAHRENHEIT CD N SMALL JIRO?? NOPE!! she say gimmie next week!! from EX-CSS ppl: a card!! i was walking to the bustop n theygave me! iexpectedsomewordsfromhimbutnoneofthemcameoutofhismouth. bt nvm... HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
hope to get some surprises from him. . .
yayy!! tmr valentines day!! wao!! i bought quite alot of stuff for part of my class!! -on budget- den lyk got one hou lian pi junior name call YULYA ask for valentines present!! i gave my FIRST ROSE to her!! lol..bt nvm larhx..in exchange wif SHUANGMIANFEILUNHAI!! wa..zhi de zhi de.. den lyk today no voice..flu lyk how many days liao.. bt nvm.. my friend say today's voice veh sexy!!!HAHAS!! XD happy happy!!! yay!!tml valentines day!!